Every Tuesday we will post a flavor that you may try. Our goal is to introduce new and unusual flavors. This game is played the same way as our other games are played.
Choose from 1 of the 23 flavors in this slide
Simply leave us a comment stating why you want to try the posted flavor. (NEW- 2023) You could win all the flavors at once if your winning slot has 4 matching numbers in the current can count numbers.
We will select up to 4(new) players to try the posted flavors.
Tasty Tuesday is played every Tuesday from Midnight until 11:59pm
Only 1 entry per player
To guarantee a winner each night we will need 9 people minimum to play.

We are celebrating 4 years of recycling
aluminum cans. This game will now have up to 4 winners.
Current Can Count
Congratulations to Our
Tasty Tuesday Winners
Mary H.
Constance/ Sophia
I am confused as to the new rules for this game. But if I win...choose something flavorful for me :)
mucho mango please!
Dr pepper
If I were a “new” player, I would choose the Bang root beer.