1 Million Cans Man Introduces New Game
Game is played on Fridays @ 9am and closes @ 9pm
What's in the Bag is a guessing game.
Every Friday we will post an image of a bag of cans
You just have to guess how many cans are in the bag.
This game only pays out for the correct guess.
We will pay $.10 for every can that is in the posted bag.
Here's how to play:
Take a look at the bag of cans below.
Leave a comment and tell us how many cans you think are in this bag.
Whoever guesses the correct amount wins.
Ready to Play? Go ahead and give it your best guess!
We almost most had a winner for this game. Someone came within 10 points of the correct amount.
The winning can count amount was 163
This game was worth $16.30
See you next Friday with another bag
100 even