How thirsty are you?
1 Million Cans Man now offers you a chance to pick your own flavor in any size
container, (aluminum, plastic, glass or metal).

You've been dehydrated all week and it's time to quench your thirst.
Thirsty - Thursday is played just like the other games with a little twist.
Game is played every Thursday from Midnight until 11:59pm
You tell us what flavor you want, and what size you want it in.
You decide if you want it in paper cup, plastic bottle, aluminum cans, carton, etc;
Your beverage choice can not exceed $5.00 (including tax)
Leaving a comment counts as your entry, only 1 entry per person is permitted.
All games are for non-alcohol beverages only.
Winner will be selected the next day before 9am.
To guarantee there's a winner, we need a minimum of 9 players per game.

Thank you all for playing our 1st Thirsty-Thursday Game.
The winning entry is #9. Unfortunately there were only 8 players playing.
This week resulted in "NO WINNERS"
Come back again soon and play a game Monday - Saturday
A&w root beer sugar free is soo good for a float 12oz
How about cream
On my Thirsty Thursday there is nothing like a ice cold 12 oz strawberry soda.
I would like mango bubbly