The following drawings were held on 1-1-21 in appreciation of all of the hard work that went into meeting our end of the year goals. The first 4 drawings are because we reached the 100K mark on time, and the last 2 drawings are because we collected 10,000 cans in a single month.
All winners have been notified by phone!
Congratulations to our End of the Year Winners
Red Ticket number 232460 - Drawing #14 (Calvin G. Tacoma)
Red Ticket number 232765 - Drawing #15 (Ruthie S. Lakewood)
Red Ticket number 232966 - Drawing #16 (The Jensen Vancouver)
Red Ticket number 232700 - Drawing #17 (Nicole G. Federal Way)
Red Ticket number 232911 - Drawing #18 (Pearlene H. Parkland)
Red Ticket number 232598 - Drawing #19 (Karen S. Tacoma)
Check your tickets to see if you are the current winner. If you have the matching number, please call us and claim your prize. Winner has 48 hours before this drawing is deemed as unclaimed and another drawing will take place until a winner comes forth. *Keep donating your cans to help increase your odds of winning. *Every 25 cans earns you 1 ticket up to a maximum of 20 tickets for $25.00 each ticket.
** New Change: You must have your ticket to be paid the full price. If winner can't produce the winning ticket, Payment will be reduced to $12.50 - Effective 1-1-21
Keep all of your red tickets until we reach all 139 drawings (1 Million Cans)
